Saturday, October 01, 2005

A moment of clarity.......... or is it beer induced logic

So, I saw my ex-girlfriend tonight at a party. I waved, said hi, all that shit. She sat there gave a half ass wave and kinda tried to hide her face. I said bye to her and all her friends when I left, and she never made any kind of effort to speak to me. I got to thinking about our situation, its all her shit now that I think about it. She says its too hard for her to try to move on and still talk to me, so we only talk when she feels like calling me. I have gone along with it cause I am still happy to hear her voice.

After tonight, though, I realized that either way we do this shit she is not gonna want to have any type of relationship with me whatsoever, be it friendship or any other kind. So what is the point in me hanging on to random, whenever calls to be happy to hear from her for nothing. None. There is absolutely no point whatsoever.

O.k., I'm the first one to admit to being the biggest punk ass bitch when it comes to girls that I like. I feel like I'v been her bitch for about the last year, not for the hell of it, but because I still have real feeling for her and don't want her out of my life. It hasn't gotten me anywhere but out of her life, so now I am saying "FUCK ALL THAT!!!". Yeah, I still miss her, but I'm tired of being a big ole bitch for nothing. If we can't talk and atleast be half ass friends, then she can keep her random as check up calls. Fuck being so nice. I am finally at the point where I am ready to say "Fuck it" about the whole situation, ex included. It hurts me, but enough is e-fucking-nough.

-Real talk from the Motherfuckin' BULLY


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