Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Facebook is a fucking time black hole.

Goddamn facebook keeps me from doing anything important on the computer with out wasting atleast an hour or more. It really pisses me off. Oh, I'm a smart one, I get off facebook to do what? Get on myblogspot and waste even more time. I deserve to fucking fail.

Anyway, so this chick sends me a fucking text message at like 2:30 in the a.m.. I end up calling and talking with her for a bit, but the convo goes nowhere. At first I really didn't think much of it, chick is kinda awky like that. She'll call and then talk with the mush mouth, as if some one just kicked her dog of the side of a fucking bridge and then said "That's how I roll!". I got off the phone and got to thinking "Hmm, I wonder If I just fumbled on a late nite break session?" So, of course , me being the shameless man that I am, I called her back, but got no answer.

The next day she texts me "U called back?". So I replied "Yeah, don't take this the wrong way, but I was just wondering if I fumbled on some sort of invite." She then has the nerve to get all smart and text me back "Uh, NO!"


How is she gonna try to get smart, like she didn't text me during bootytextmessage/call hours. I'm gonna have to get drunk one nite and call her in the middle of drunken fuck time and give her bad conversation.

But really though, I thought the Mike Tyson Rule applied to Phone Calls too. (Mike Tyson Rule: Don't invite nam nigga to your room after 2 in the a.m. and not be ready to get broken, and maybe even a thumb in the ass.) Well, anyway, what more should I expect from this chick, I mean really, she is an A.K.A.. I know I shouldn't talk bad about a whole organization like that, but all the A.K.A.'s that I have dealt with personally have been Biotches. And yeah, I got a feeling a few A.K.A.'s that I know from undergrad might read this and want to get mad, well I'm sorry. Most of y'all pretty o.k.. And there were a few that were great, I mean really nice, beautiful people. Well now that I think about it, not all A.K.A.'s are bad, but they do have good percentage of B-I-OTCHES

So Sayeth the BULLY

p.s.: If anyone has a problemwith what I said, please take it up with my secretary. Thats right, if you have a problem just go to Helen Waite and bitch all you want.


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