Wednesday, November 16, 2005

That Greek Shit aint SHIT

Maybe I'm just dumb, but what is it about greek letters, two color combinations, and secret hand shakes that makes shit super important? I don't understand it. Motherfuckers get in that greek shit and start believing that it is "Their Life". Stupid sumbitches. Its a fucking club that you have to pay a shit load of money to be in and then doesn't do anything remotely important to society except for the occasional community service project here and there. They aint keeping America Free. I haven't seen or heard of any Frats/Sororities lookin for Bin Laaaaaaadin, nothing.

I really hate it, though, when them sumbitches start really believing that their greek organizations are family, giving them precidence over their real family. I know a chick who's sorority "sister" got smart at the mouth with her moms. Did said chick whoop that sister's ass, right in front of moms, cuss that bitch out over the phone in front of moms, or atleast stop kicking it with said bitch? Nope, she didn't do any of those. What the fuck?!?!?!

Had that been one of my boys, I would have flipped, and I think any that knows me believes that. I know I don't have to worry about that though, because first off, I don's associate with people like that. Anyone that could disrespect your mom even once does not even have enough respect for you to be called a friend. Shit is just fucked up like that some times.

From shit like this, them damn no good AKA's, my pops (him and his no good brother were both Greek), and number one greek fuck up, George W. Bush, I think I am quite warranted in saying "FUCK ALL THAT GREEK SHIT!!!!!"

So Sayeth the MotherFuckin' BULLY

ps.: If you are greek, and this offends you, well I'm sorry, but .......FUCK YOU!!


Blogger Shug said...

LMAO!!! I'm greek and I agree with you 200%. Speak the truth!

11:55 AM  

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