Friday, March 24, 2006

Changing my opinion somewhat

Ok, so so most of yall know, or have atleast read, that the BULLY really doesn't get along wih A.K.A.'s. I've blogged about 'em atleast once or something. Anyway, believe it or not, I have met an A.K.A. that I actually get along with really really well. She really is cool ass chick. I first hung out with her during spring break. We kicked like all day, and didn't end up cursing or arguing at or with each other at all. I was really surprised myself. My homeboy that I was staying with was just as surprised. Its actually pretty funny, because he knows me and he called me stupid when I told him I had an A.K.A. coming down. He was all like "How long do you think she is gonna be here before yall start yelling and she leaves?" .

So, yeah, me getting along with an A.K.A. is something quite a surprise, even more surprising is that I get along with another that I have class with. We can study and bullshit and not have anyproblem whatsoever. Maybe it has something to do with me being older, calmer, more confident and assertive, while being less aggressive. Or maybe its just those huge ass mostly paper lines that have been dropped, thinning out that A.K.A. characteristic that I don't gell with. I think its both.

Anyway, shit is going well in the life of the BULLY. I'm loving this gett ing older shit. I'm really feeling the person tht I'm becoming. I'm liking the way that my ways are evolving. In all reality, when it really comes down to it, I'm stilll the same fucking BULLY that I was years ago, but where I was 50 grit BULLY back in the day, I'm much more 750 grit BULLY. (Excuse the sand paper based comparisonss, for all you fancy folk, that don't know about sandpaper ratings: Something like a 50 grit will wear down steel, 1000 grit will just rub off the top/clear coat of your car's paint job.)

I could blob on and on all dayum day about the fuckin' BULLY, so I'll just stop now for both our sakes.

-the BULLY


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