Wednesday, February 07, 2007

I had a revelation last night

End of October/Beginning of November

I had a revelation last night. I realized after talking with my homeboy that I try too hard to get and or keep good chicks. Here it is…..ok, I am genuinely an incredibly nice person. I’m really thoughtful and caring and compassionate and all that shit that girls like and say that is all they want (That’s that Sweet Nigga). Buuutttttttt I am also a sarcastic, aggressive, take charge, smart ass, overly cocky, really physical (that is both for sex and non-sex situations) MAN (That’s that N.N.C.). What I realized is when I go after a good chick that I think is keeping material I give them way too much Sweet Nigga and not enough N.N.C.. As a matter of fact I even might go out of my way to give them Sweet Nigga, and then when it doesn’t work out I get all mad and frustrated cause I done put so much effort into it. When I just link up with broads that I wanna bang out and I give em a whole lot of the N.N.C.. Sometimes I go out of my way to give em some of that N.N.C. Usually it just makes ‘em dig me more. I mean I’ve done stuff like after I rip ol’ girl try to hit her friend. Matter of fact I’ll ask ol’ girl whats up with her friend. I do the only call and or see me when I…notice I said I…..wanna poke. Chicks dig ya boy more than you might expect when he does that crap. I will admit, though not all girls go for that type of crap, but you would be surprised how many really do. When I start trying to be nice to keep a girl, it never goes anywhere.

So what I’m gonna start doing is giving chicks 62% of the N.N.C., and the other 38% is gonna be straight Sweet Nigga. Its all about balance. Hopefully, with this approach things will work out better. Hopefully with me not being 100% N.N.C. I won’t have to worry so much bout sex coming up too soon with a good chick, and hopefully I won’t be grimy enough to run a good chick off, but still have enough grime to keep her attention.

Oh, oh yeah, I’m bout to put Operation: Don’t Call Cita anymore. Uuhhmmmm, here is a little secret, I’ve never told anyone this before, at least I don’t think I have before. Sometimes if I’m kinda digging a chick I kinda put on that I am feeling her way more than I really am. So, I’ve still been calling and talking to her a little, now out of the blue I will just stop calling. I think its kinda funny.

Oooh, a funny example of this is of this girl, I think I named her Triflin’ Chick or something. She is the chick that I went out with that was friends with my ex’s sorors. Anyway, she told me early on that she usually gets all weirded out with dudes after she does certain things with em, and usually never talks to them again, I’m talking see ‘em in public and act like they are not even there type crazyness. Well, we did some things and we still talked for a while, but sure enough she started igging all my calls and texts. I would try periodically, but to no avail. So, a couple weeks ago while I was driving back to Tally I sent her a guilt trip text. I said something along the lines of I was so nice to you, and went out of my way to do stuff for you blah blah blah. I got a response, like I’m fine, how are you. My response to this long awaited little bit of communication….here it is: Wow, I have to try to guilt trip you to get a response….That is messed up. You just keep doing you.

She should have kept on ignoring my texts. Cause now I own the last laugh, hahahahah!!!!



Blogger Economista said...

I'm about to give you the play-by-play comment analysis, because I don't have anything else that I really want to do now...

+"I realized after talking with my homeboy that I try too hard to get and or keep good chicks." - One of my favorite quotes is "If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans." Trying to pick up a "good chick" won't work because people aren't out there to be "picked up." Relationships have to blossom, even if it's love at first sight and by the end of the evening you know you want to be together forever. Whatever. Anyway, what are you doing to try to get these chicks? Get a piece of paper, we're about to get deep here, lol. No seriously, what are these efforts that you're making that you think are supposed to land you a desirable woman? Feel free to message me :)

+Umm, what's "N.N.C." mean?

+"As a matter of fact I even might go out of my way to give them Sweet Nigga, and then when it doesn’t work out I get all mad and frustrated cause I done put so much effort into it." - What makes you think that life itself isn't work? Shit just ain't gonna fall into your lap. If it doesn't work out, 2 finga's like a playa and keep it moving. By the way, you're really angry. Not that you didn't know that already.

+"When I just link up with broads that I wanna bang out and I give em a whole lot of the N.N.C.. Sometimes I go out of my way to give em some of that N.N.C. Usually it just makes ‘em dig me more." - GIRLS would dig you more. Wifey material women know their value and they don't put up with that crap-tastic-ness. It's a red flag if a chick likes to be treated like she's nothing because clearly she doesn't value herself....

+"I will admit, though not all girls go for that type of crap, but you would be surprised how many really do." - I'm not surprised. These are the same girls who let their man sleep with other people, let baby mama's disrespect them, etc. etc.

+Negroid, 62/38 is not a balance...

+"I won’t have to worry so much bout sex coming up too soon with a good chick," - What is too soon? I may be putting my business all on Front Street here, but B & I started sleeping together (I didn't want to say "fuckin") like a week after we started talking. We weren't even officially going out. Luckily it worked out...and for future reference, yes, yo DO have to have the awkward "What are we" conversation and make it official. Otherwise, I'mma have to agree with the ex :(

8:07 PM  
Blogger Economista said...

I'm not done....

+"Sometimes if I’m kinda digging a chick I kinda put on that I am feeling her way more than I really am. So, I’ve still been calling and talking to her a little, now out of the blue I will just stop calling. I think its kinda funny." - Why is it funny? That'd piss me off, personally.

+"Anyway, she told me early on that she usually gets all weirded out with dudes after she does certain things with em, and usually never talks to them again, I’m talking see ‘em in public and act like they are not even there type crazyness." - I don't know her, but this sounds like textbook HO behavior. That's like when people say, "Damn, make sure I don't get drunk tonight. I do all kinds of shit I shouldn't do when I'm drunk..." which really means...I'm an alcoholic and I know it, don't be mad when I get drunk and can't remember what I did because inevitably it will happen, and I did warn you before hand. If she knew she was going to get "weirded out" and not want to talk to you anymore, why did she do it anyway. And why did you let her?

8:11 PM  

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