Friday, November 02, 2007

Growers and Showers

This comes from a kinda pretty damn uncomfortable momment with one of my best buds one time.

BULLY:...Ol' girls is kinda cute
Ol' Boy: Yeah, man, I think she is feeling you
BULLY: Word.....I though she was kinda feeling you
Ol' Boy: Yeah... well, been there and done that
BULLY: Well, I don't know....I aint trying to run all up in there and mess around and be the smaller of the two.
BULLY: DAMN!!!.....Shiiiiittttt, Ioneevencare
Ol' Boy: You're bigger
BULLY:............What, naw...don't buy into the hype...I'm average
Ol' Boy: Naw, really.....I'm a shower. They see it and they think its gonna be really big, but what they see is what they get.
BULLY:DAMN!!!! Your boy is grower fa shooooo

Anyway...Yeah, Steve is a grower. That nigga be looking younger than a mofo most of the time, get that man excited and watch him grizzow. Sometimes he grows with my heartrate. Its pretty cool. You can actually watch it get bigger incrimentally with each bu-bump of my heart.

The nigga grows till I had an ex singing about it "Plumps when you suck it" (You know, like the hotdog commercials...Plumps when you cook 'em).

So my whole point in this ladies.....LADIES....notice that I said LADIES. (Coco.....don't be bringing your man on man stories up in here) Please tell me your opinions and preferences on Growers and Showers. I'm Curious.

Even Shug's cute lil GOD fearin' ass better chime in. Yeah....her and AMboogie.

-the Pickle


Blogger Jazzy said...

I'm interested in the growing/showing but I'm more interested in how ole boy works it.

Size matters, but it matters not if there is no stamina.

You should really seek help about having these one on one's with "lil man Steve". There's just something not quite right about that.

4:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BWAHHAHAAHHAHAHahhah after the "convo" with your boy I think I screamed while reading this post

also Im infinitely dead that you called Coco out before he could even start some shit

Lastly, Ok, ok it grows big as a house but does Steve and his owner KNOW what to do with it

7:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll take a grower any day although a decent show man is no problem!

let me be honest is is no skinny little biddy boy I'll work with it....

and if it's mediocre sized but very skillful properly sinful and adventurous I'll shut up about it too

8:24 PM  
Blogger Beana said...

just when the vision of "steves" stopped dancing in my head I had to read this shit.


I need rehab.

But um...i like growers. Its like getting a bonus...finding an extra dolla in ya purse.

I think i just came up with a new a chia pet. Watch it grow!

9:27 PM  
Blogger Shug said...

Hmm...I'm gonna have to agree with O.D. Size does matter but one guy I messed with was on the smaller side as far as the guys I've been with and it was the BEST SEX EVER. However, a big d*** always puts a smile on my face! :-D

12:06 AM  
Blogger RAGING BULL said... have slept with like 3 or 4 dudes. Your numbers are waaaay too low to know what the best sex ever is like.....I mean really. If you were someone that might have slept with 4 dudes just last week *cough* Qucifer *cough* then I could value your opinion.

And no....Steve is not huge. He is just pretty small during normal hours of operation. But....yes, I do know how to use Steve's extra large Medium self.

7:23 AM  
Blogger Jazzy said...

"extra large medium self"???

Word on Blogger is that Steve is only smedium...small-medium. I think you're going to have to put a picture up...I'm just sayin. You're rep is at stake here.

And leave Shug alone. Just because she doesn't sleep around doesn't mean she doesn't know what "the best sex ever" is.

11:18 AM  
Blogger Ambz said...

IMO... you gotta be a decent size even when you ain't growed....

I remember telling a dude once:

"I ain't neva seen one that small"

yes, i said that to his face.

bless his small peen heart

12:43 PM  
Blogger O Hell Nawl said...

my manhood wont allow me to even admit i read this post the whole way through.

nope.. wont admit it.

12:49 PM  
Blogger RAGING BULL said...

Diva....try as you may, but you are not going to get me to show you Steve.

But, J......J can have all the picture messages that she wants of super medium Steve.

1:04 PM  
Blogger RAGING BULL said...

oh...and ambs if she will do that dance with me.

1:12 PM  
Blogger Jazzy said...


J was the one that told me Steve was smedium. ha!

I kid I kid...J stop looking at me like that!

1:27 PM  
Blogger Ambz said...

Bully that dance is fire! ::lol::

12:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

.. the fuck nukka???

and it was only over a 2/3ish week period!!

10:19 AM  
Blogger DJ Fusion/FuseBox Radio Broadcast said...

Interestin' feeling it.

Um, from my experience as a lady, its the work put in, as it were, not how big the "D" grows (though some thickness is nice).

NOTHING is worse than something that looks all that and then folks get a "WTF" for effort (and on top of that, have no other extracuricular skills to compensate).

12:00 PM  

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