My life since the last post
Ok, yeah, I have been wanting to post something new for a whizzile, but I wanted my boy, the Gringo, to have a long time of exposure up here. Wanted e'rybody to read his ish.
Anyway, there has been a good amount of fun shit going on muh life. I have gone from being single and lonely, banging out my bottom broad on the weekends due to neccessity, and being a little lonely to dating 3 chicks and being the owner of an approx 3 yr old Yorkie named Paco (Short for Apocalypse).
Yeah, pretty good times.
Lets get into the meat of things......
First new chick...the Hairdresser
I met her at a restaurant/lounge thing. She was givin mad attitude and I was diggin it. We hit it off, we ended up kickin it latenight at the beauty parlor where she works and she sold me some razorbump cream for my face.
We have kicked it a couple of times, had a good time together. She told me how she didn't want to do anything with me early into getting to know each other. Well....if you bring shit up like that around more than a couple times I'm gonna take it as a challenge. I'm competitive as hell and I like to win.
Sooooo one night she took me out to dinner, and while we were out she said something like "I like my men to have a little thug in them". yeah, she asked me if I had any thug in me and a nigga was like "Nope!"
She goes "If something goes down I need to know I'm with someone thats gonna take care of me"
Me: "Naaawww, I will be QUICK to call the cops. I mean, yeah, I'm a gun toter, but that shit is for just in case...emergency type shit. IfI can avoid using it/getting in any kind of shit I will. I have waaaaayyyy too much going on for me in my life to blow it on some no count mofo."
But I still gave her the benefit of the doubt, figured maybe that was her country ass way of saying she likes a protective type dude. We leave the restaurant, go back to her place, kick it, she brought up the not doing anything type thing........I smashed and left. She then sent me messages tombout she shouldn't have done I was gonna just see her the same as the other chicks that I was/am knokin' off and all that. Well....she shouldn't have challenged the BULLY. I like to win.
Next day or so I get a text and she is all geeked up about a pic I have on myspace with my lil sis. We have gold grills in our mouths. They are fake, but were fun as hell. She was mmmaaaddd geeked over it. I talked to her later that night and she says something about She was surprised that I would have a grill seeing how all my friends were white......I was like "WHAT??? Did you even look at my top 8?"
her: Oh, well, all the people in your pics are white. (and then kinda quietly, under her breath says)"It would explain how you talk"
I asked what the hell she said and she was like "Nothing...there is nothing wrong with the way you talk" and all that.
I told her how much it pisses me off when folks want to call me white or white acting/talking.
Anyway, I saw the comment she left on said pic on myspace and that shit said something like "I knew you had some thug in you. Keep it up!"
That shit is sooooo UUUGGHHHHH to me. Her ass is being phased out as we speak. Right now she is at the "Not getting text messages replied to stage" Which will shortly be followed by the "Your whole thing about liking thugs has really turned me off from trying to pursue a relationship with you" type talk. I'll tell her we can be friends, but that is about it.
She was the only thick/kinda big chick on the roster.
The other 2.....little slim chicks. The biggest one (The High School Crush) weighs about 120-125 (She is great arm candy...anyone that I know that has seen her always tells me she is pretty) and is around 5' 4". They are both really sweet. The other one...I'll call her little ass Fiesty, cause she is, is a Grad Student at a little University 'round here (she is cute as hell too). She says she just loves to cook and all that and is showing hellafied amounts of interest (Like inviting me to go with her to a beach vacay where her whole fam will be). I likey her little bold ass. I don't even think I'm gonna hollar at anymore chicks for a while. I'm good with just my 2 little chicks that you could combine their weights and they still not weigh as much as the BULLY.

Oh, and I competed in Highland Games this weekend and kicked much ass.

And yeah, I have a Yorkie now. Ok, he isn't really mine. He belongs to a female friend of mine that is too busy to really keep him.. Since I kinda want a dog, but don't have room for a dog the size that I want I got Paco.

-the BULLY
Labels: Highland Games, Pretty Heffas, The Roster, UGH Bitch
Lol to the ugggh chic. "thanks but we're gonna take a different direction"
thumbs up to the slim chicks. gotta love the petite with body types (they got body right?)
and as for the yorkie...ewww nigga u gay!
-the most not gay of all not gay niggas in the universe.
man I tagged your gay dog owning ass.
come get the details and get to posting. gay ass gay.
lol. Well leave the ugh chick alone. If she was really not wanting to give you the wrong impression, she wouldn't have let you smash. Glad to see your storm cloud has too passed.
I want your dog!
smh@ ole girl
some folk have no sense
aww @ the dog
im not questioning ur manhood
im not
whats wit chicks these days. I was so ready to read that u was cuttin the hair dresser loose. She want drama in her damn life.
paco is adorable. Not a bully type dog but hey...whateva.
oh and im sure u know but girls who keep saying "they dont do it early" cootchie be jumping all the time. They say that shit to convince themselves of it more so than the guy they are with. But u already know that.
wait, wait, wait she took you out to dinner?
Umm, yeah, she did. Shiiiit a chcik better come up with a little bit of treatage before too long and she might get dropped fa' sho.
I told you before that woman acting like she wanted drama in her life sounded mad vile to me... then I saw her and I was OH HAYLE NO!!
too damned old to be told
Paco is ruling my world so hard, all sorts of cute and shit... i'm telling you you've GOT to go and try to get booty with that baby dog... is goi9ng to be nuts beyond the nuttery!!
Uh... who says that... she's a chicken head...
anywho... love the pics... and such a cute lil puppy....
LMAO @ Slaus... "gay dog owning ass"
that's some funny ish!
Bully, I just spit up my oatmeal.
And wait, wait, wait...let me get this straight.
You get mad because hairdresser thuglife says you talk kinda white.
And then you post pictures of you at the, of all things, highland games...
in a KILT!
And then a picture of your new dog...
a YORKIE! better hope you don't start dancing like me.
You know my dancing style of grabbin' the biggest ass and holdin on is NEVER gonna change.
Yeah, so what if I partake of some WFS (white folk shit).....I gotta keep up with Slaus and E-dot aka Bro.
and technically speaking the Highland games is no longer white folk stuff. Like the best dude in the world is a Black man. He's the Tiger Woods of Caber Tossin'
Hmmmm...edot is pretty cute.
Lemme keep reading...
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