Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A certain type of way

That's how your boy is feeling right now.

New job.

New re-commitment to working out.

It looks like things are over with the Amazon.....AAAGGGAAAIIIINNNN.

It's like my life is starting over again.

Not from the not a whole new fresh sheet or page or nothing, more like I wrote a whole bunch, didn't quite like where things were going , kinda drew a few lines through the previous shit and started back writing, but still using the shit I already wrote to guide me.

Yeah, new job is with the Gubment. Seems like I will enjoy it. There are 4 people in my group, and they are looking to add a 5th. So, there is me, a dude that is almost 3 years deep/out of college, bout to finish his development program and two older mid fifty range.

The young dude is a stereotypical nerdyish, fat pimply balding engineering fuck. Seems like a decent guy, kinda straight arrow type that is only so straight arrow because he doesn't really have the balls to behave otherwise, but would love to be a lil more out there. The older cats are smart ass potty mouths that say shit that really shouldn't be said in the work place. One of them is my team lead. Dude straight told me that the gubment has no performance standards and if I wanted to just sit here and surf the net and play solitaire for the next 40 yrs i could. He also said working with the gubment can be whatever you make it...if I show initiative and don't piss people off, I could go very far, but if I didn't do shit I could at least keep my long as I didn't punch my boss in the face while other people were watching or really just piss someone off and then they could get me for abuse of the innanets or using the phone for personal use (don't have to worry about me using the phone for personal use)

So, also he helped me to understand why the gubment pays so damn much for the shit it buys /uses (atleast as far as defense shit goes). It boils down to the gubment wanting to be able to ensure we get the highest quality shit possible. Basically we dump gobs of money on contractors for shit so they aren't left feeling the need to cut corners on shit to make a profit. Give them plenty enough to get shit done exactly how we want it, give them enough money so they an afford to just pay people to sit around and think up better shit, and just stay closely enough involved in their processes to ensure they really are doing what you want them to do.

I don't feel like the gubment just unnecessarily gives away money to contractors just to grease the pockets of people like Chaney ' much anymore.

I also have a better understanding of how politics affects everything and how it can really be detrimental to how huge the F-35 is being touted as being so super duper...yeah, its good and all, but the real deal behind it is that it is bringing soooo much work and money to so many states and....even foriegn countries.

Yeah, so like I said, I just started the job, so yeah....I'm gonna have a lot of free time on my hands until for a little.

Expect more entries.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"It's like my life is starting over again."

Your ass is super sentimental as of late. I can dig it though...

I'm excited at the thought of the posts that will ensue due to your coworkers. Can't you sneaky low tip snap a pic of the younger dude? I need it in my life.

Oh and DUECES Amazon!

11:31 AM  
Blogger RAGING BULL said... i really?


11:41 AM  

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