Thursday, June 19, 2008

Yooo, BULLY, where you been?

Bitch....I been to Shaolin.

Ha ha, not really. Still in South Ga. Chillin' like a villian...with no need for penecillin.....that means Steve aint illin..... cause he only messes with clean women that are aint Slim Chick #2 thats top billin..... Its the Amazon thats been keepin me grinnin'.....In the lady and booby race she is hands down winnin' aint happened yet, but it won't be long before we start sinnin' (sexin')....we just started this game , but it feels like the 6th innin'....

Yeeeeaaahhhhh, y'all negros and negresses should not never give me positive reinforcement on shit.

But, yeah, I'm pretty much through with Slim Chick #2. Last time I talked to her was Monday evening, before gym. I haven't called her, she hasn't called me, but some did call me during my lunch break and left a message on the desk phonio. Me and the Amazon have really kinda hit it off. We e-mail and text each other all day and talk on the phone for hours at night time. I talked to Slim Chick a decent bit, but it felt like it was something I had to do. With Amazon I be all wanting to talk to her. And wanting to e-mail it up with her.

It is actually kinda scary to me. There was no ramp up or nothing...just like BOOM and we are on each other's minds like all the time.

There is a good size potion of me that doesn't trust whereever this is going....cause it is just too damn good, too damn soon.

And then there is the fact that she is a Soror of my Sis....and I have been envolved with another one of the sorrors (G-friend before last) and gone out with one or two others and banged a friend/roommate of other sorrors and my sister has been done bitched at me, like..leave my sorority I feel like I done gone through all these sorrors.

I'm keepin shit on the low. I normally always tell my sis about females that I'm kickin with, but this one is onna have to be on the hush hush. Ain't no point in getting everyone all riled up and then we end up kickin it for like a month and we are done with each other.

Anyway, I swear I'm gonna write a post with some sort of substance to it soon. I wanna do something worthy of being put up on O hell nawl.


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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stop messing with your sisters, sistas! Da hell wrong with you? LOL!

2:41 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Man props to you. If they gonna let you smash then so be it. Which I could find me some sorors roaming around Baltimore.

6:04 PM  
Blogger Amazon said...

Yeah I would keep it on the low until you know it might be worth something. That quick shit is scary, I just got my heart broken on that shit, so keep that Bully mindset until you know the coast is clear:)

7:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

*sigh* NOW you have to ACT RIGHT , you manwhore... cause some way, some how this be getting to your sister, she wont be pleased that you running them guts and them guts happen to be her sorors

11:21 AM  
Blogger Sunshyne said...

i know all about that too good to be true feeling...

12:57 AM  
Blogger edotcarter said...

ha ha ha...bully thinks he's mos def now.

be deep in them guts all the way down to the nuts.

now that's a fire-ass line!

7:40 AM  
Blogger RAGING BULL said...

Yeah E-dot....thats that hot Fiyah


7:56 AM  
Blogger Kaliente said...

"be deep in them guts all the way down to the nuts. "

-that sounds NICE! i like it deep...haha

Don't y'all be giving be a side eye for that shyt!!! I'm grown and

6:22 PM  
Blogger RAGING BULL said...

I want to give you something alright, but it aint no damn side eye.

11:21 PM  
Blogger Monie said...

I got here from QQ's page. You leave some funny ass comments so I thought I would check you out. I see I have a lot of reading to do. 2005...shit!

8:19 AM  
Blogger kit von b. said...


wtf took u so long to find me. i love u already, u whorebag.


12:02 PM  

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