Thursday, August 13, 2009

Maybe it's a little excessive.....

So as part of this whole "New Life" thing I have gotten back on my workout/eat better/be healthier kick. I started my extended vacay pretty well motivated got even more motivated, even got a lil over the top for a while. Started using this pre-workout supplement, Superpump 250....and MMMMAAAANNNN that shit would jack me up, have me in the gym on some hurculean type shit.

This is what they say it will do:
"About SuperPump250
In the Pre-workout category, SuperPump250™ is the reigning King of dramatic effects. Athletes who try SuperPump virtually never go back to any other pre-workout supplement, and its effects are so profound that the thought of training without it is simply out of the question for most users. In the groundbreaking independent clinical trial, increases in lean muscle mass nearly tripled in a single workout with just 1 dose of SuperPump250™ as compared to not taking the supplement. If that’s not enough, body fat percentages simultaneously dropped as opposed to no changes in body fat recorded without the supplement. Consider all this with the added effects of explosive energy, mental focus and strength, and you’re left with seemingly very little to consider. Ask anyone who tries this super anti-catabolic powerhouse and you’ll hear the same answer over and over – you’re going to look and feel incredible on SuperPump250!"

NNniiiigggaaa I would take that shit, wait about 30 mins til I felt it start to kick in, then drive to the gym, took like 15 minutes, get in there and hop on cardio for like 30-40 STRAIGHT GETTIN' IT. Then lift for like an hour, hour and a half (like compounding everything, 4 sets of 12....and as little rest as possible) then bang out another 30-40 minutes of cardio.

I was on some dumb shit in the gym.

And the "Mental Focus"....that shit just means you don't want to do ANYTHING else but get after it in the gym.

So, they say you must drink AT LEAST a gallon of water a day. I was doing that...little more. I used that shit for about a month, month and a half. Eventually I got to where I had a hard time sleeping and I could not drink enough water to stay hydrated and not have concentrated stinky pee. I mean, I got to the point to where I was drinking 2 gallons of water a day...actually, over 2 gallons a day. And as soon as I drank a lil, I would have to piss and my pee would still be strong.

I stopped taking it and for like another few weeks I still had the super short time before needing to pee....I'm guessing that shit accumulated up in my body and my system just rrrreeeaaallly wanted to flush it out of me.

So, anyway, I stop taking that shit and could not get myself to consistantly workout. Couldn't develop hardly anydrive, and then coming off that shit that hyped me up mentally and physically to train...your boy wasn't worth shit.

So, lthe last 2.5-3 months of my unemployment ended up being me mostly just sitting around, not doing shit and my diet went from eating meals like broiled tilapia filets, wheat bread, and water, to like three bowls of cap'n crunch with a lil added sugar.

Yeah, totally gained back my 20lbs. that I had lost.

So, by the time I was started my job (My start date was Aug. 10 days ago) I was ready to get back into the swing of things (I was actually ready a lil before then, butI was still being lazy and just figured I would wait on my new beginnings to change up everything). I've been doing pretty well so far.

I get up at 5:30a.m. get in approx 15 minutes of cardio (Running M-W-F and a combo of the hitting my punching bag, pull-ups, and jumprope on Tuesday and Thursday). No, it's not a full workout, but it is just enough to spark up one's metabo, and I will up it once I start to get in better shape. I make it in the gym in the evenings trying to lift and hit more cardio. I haven't been super stellar in that because it is taking me a lil bit to get used to 9.5 hour long days (especially coming off of not doing shit for 8 months).

Dietwise, I'm cooking my dinners, mostly in the oven, cooked a roast in the crock pot yesterday. Keeping more chicken and fish in the diet. Making sure to have veggies in my meals. Eating oatmeal for breakfast everyday (yeah, I'm gully. Just straight plain oatmeal, made with extra water so I can drink (with a lil bit of chewage) it down). And I bring fruit with me to work to snack on during the day. If I get too hungry between meals and don't feel like eating fruit I will run to the lil cafeteria and get a cup of soup or chili.

Oh, and back to drinking lots of water.

Yeah, so if you have been paying attention thats lots of water, veggies, and fruit which equals lots of jizzle that I can complimented on for its almost pleasant taste and lack of odour.

Don't make that face.

Not my fault that chicks have complimented me on the flavor of my jizzle before. (Hey, its also not my fault I love giving chicks the opportunity to taste my jizzlings.)

The only side effect, is that with all this water consumption, I stay going to the bathroom. Around once an hour. Maybe a lil more.

Whatevs, the good far outweighs the bad.

-the BULLY


Anonymous Anonymous said...

When you said "Don't make that face"... I was making a face. I also made a face when you began talking about your pee. Da hell wrong with you???

Dude's lost like 50/lb -- no bullshit. I told him 20 more and I am out. LOL

Your eating sounds right on point. Been slacking on mine most of the summer, but hitting the gym something tough. My abs can be seen through my tight little summer shirts. Word.

And the Bully using crock pots and shit???? I'm impressed. I'll have to email you some yummy receipes.

Good job on this "new life" hunny bunny... now all ya gotta do is fine a biotch worth her weight in gold.

1:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

good for you Bully : )

Every new beginiing starts with some other beginnings end...just like the song.

I cannot wait to read about workplace shenanigans.

As far as the supplements are concerned. Stay away. They are bad for you. Do it all au naturel.

And stay away from high fructose corn syrup. Look up the 411 on the net. Stuff puts pockets in your brain like crystal meth.


3:45 PM  
Blogger Gem said...

I just did a post today about reading labels (amongst other healthy things). Cas is right. High fructose corn syrup will KILL US ALL! You know I almost did a praise-dance last week when I found some ketchup without HFCS in it?

Anyhoo, I'm the same way about waiting for something else to happen and lining up the rest of the new beginnings with it.

Are you against strawberry oatmeal? I eat that in the morning with vanilla soymilk and diced dried apples. Really good and still healthy.

11:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damnnnn! nigga You be on some delectable shit even If I'm still mad at you over Saturday Night text Messss

10:13 AM  
Blogger RAGING BULL said...

HAA!!!, So chick sees me laughing and is all like "Who are you texting?" and trying to see what I am laughing about.

I wish i would have let her look, because the very next message was that pic.

Instead of being like "Ooooohh.....nosey" and looking at her like she was crazy I should have just been like "LOOK AT THIS, BITCH!!!!" and then did Stanky Leg while she looked at the pic.

12:54 PM  

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