Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Aimless pursuit of an unknown goal

So, I read that “share my world” blog everyday (the addy is This chick is writing about her life and how she has a dream of being blah blah blah blah blah blah and all of that (If you wanna know exactly just go read about it your damn self……bitch). You know she knows what she wants to do and all of that goal specific type shit and makin’ all this sacrifice and all that. She is doing one of those crazy, super ballsy type moves and stuff to realize her dream, and as with all of that crazy ballsy shit that people do, the intelligence behind it all will be determined by the final outcome. This relates to the Muthafuckin’ BULLY how?.......

Well, I have my own goals. Not so much like hers, but I have them. Mine are much less defined, really quite vague. I wanna be happy. I wanna be happy then, and I wanna be happy now. I wanna be happy with the job, but moreso than that I wanna be happy with whatever family to come. I mean, well, maybe I am not that vague when it comes to my job. I know that I wanna stay technical. I really don’t wanna be a bunch of people’s manager and all that. I do want to have clout, but I want it to come from more of a respect thing than a “Yeah, he is my boss’ boss’s boss, so I have to listen to him” I wanna be the dude that just flat out knows his shit. I wanna be the guy........ the company guru on something. Technical design, Product development, that sort of thing. I wanna still be able to go out and get my hands dirty even though I am making well over 150K. My goals are somewhat focused, but what I am really focusing on is how I get to that point. That’s my way.

For really really to me the most important thing is the journey. That’s where everything is learned, that’s where the foundation is….its in the fuckin’ journey. The journey is also determines how great the goal is in a way. I mean, you can never get time back, no matter how well successful or rich or powerful or what not you can’t get time back. I don’t want to get to the end of my journey and then question myself. I don’t wanna be sittin up wondering about the stuff that I missed out on or fucked up because of my journey. I know everyone says you can’t have your cake and eat it too, but to them I say “Fuck you, you dumb bitch!!! I can have whatever the fuck I want” Well not really….well it really depends on my mood, but what I really think about it is that I’m just gonna slowly eat my cake. I mean, you can’t enjoy but one mouthful at a time anyway. I’m gonna be eating my cake all through out my damn journey, and still have some at the end. Is the bully making any sense now? I don’t know if I am.

Basically I’m gonna enjoy my life all the way through.

Fa real.

I love lamp

Wilmer Vadelerama (Fez from that seventies show) talks like a sissy

I once had relations with Ellen Degeneris

-the BULLY


Blogger Economista said...

I guess I'm a dumb bitch, lol. You can't have your cake and eat it, too. Economics teaches us that there is always a trade off :) I'm suprised paid enough attention to learn that with that fucking fitted baseball hat wearing, snizzle-chasing mo-fo sitting in front of me all the time in class. Anyway, I digress. I say live your life to the fullest, but anything worth having takes sacrifice. I don't know whether you agree with that or not, but I think that after this young, single, bachelor phase of your life ends, it'll be more apparent...

8:33 PM  

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