Wednesday, February 07, 2007

My favorite place to be…./ This past weekend

Aight, these 2 titles really have nothing to do with each other, other than I was in my favorite place to be this weekend. I just wanted to write about both and since I am in the Blogging mood I figured I’d kill two birds with one stone. (I’ve been feeling like blogging a lot lately, but just have not felt like sitting down and doing it) Anywayyy…… it go.

So, I really don’t know who reads this thing anymore. Sooooo here is a little background for those of you that don’t know the MuthaFuckin’ BULLY: My Moms bought me a brand spanking new F-150 for me back in the Summer of ’95. It was for me….it was not my “Daddy’s truck” as so many people are asses enough to assume, My mom sacrifice and took up a second job and all that shit to by me a nice new safe vehicle. She did it all by herself for me. My dad was not a part of it cause he was, is, sometimes, prolly always will be, to a certaint extent, a CRACKHEAD. Yeah I said it……..The sad part is that most of you reading this will think I am just being silly, but nope my pops is a real live “I smoke rocks, Joe Rogan.” Crackhead. Yeah, that shit could be a whole ‘nother blogger page in itself.

Anyway, yeah, I have had this truck since I was 14. I fuckin’ love that damn thing. I don’t love much, well really I love three things, the rest anything in this world could pretty much go far far away and I would still be pretty straight. Those three things are 1)My Mom and My Sister 2)My Dog, Asia (That bitch done ran away) and 3) My Truck. These are the only things in my life that I truly feel will always be there for me no matter what. I have told chicks this before and I fuckin mean it “No, you will never come before my mom or my sister……it’ll be awhile before you can get in front of the truck”. Matter of fact I have only told one girl that I missed her more than the truck…that damn Monique. My truck is my security blanket and it is a constant reminder of my Mom’s love and willingness to sacrifice for me.

The motor in My truck went out on me bout 2.5 years ago when I went out to Texas. When I went back to Tally for school it was ok for me to kinda drive round town, but after a while I couldn’t even do that. But, the good news is, though, that last week I got a re-built motor put into it and now I’m rollin rollin rollin like an X-pill in the Big Green Truck and it feels soooooo good. Today during lunch I just sat in it and turned up the bass (you know I got that KNOCK sittin on the back seat) and just chilled. It just felt so good. My favorite place to be is sittin in that damn truck with my music up. Its just hella relaxin.

This weekend, I rolled out in the Big Green Truck, didn’t crank up the Max once. I partied with the Asian Posse…them cats are tons of fun. Went to the Asian Frat’s party Saturday night and that joint was jumpin. Them cats got strolls and chants and all that just like the Black frats. It was pretty tight. I met this black chick that my boy kept on pushing me at. I gotta call her and see whats up, I gotta try to slip her the Kack before my birthday gets here. She has a big plus on her side, she might be a cool chick to kinda kick it with, I mean, she is only 22, but she does have a very good appreciation for beer. That shit is sooo cool to me cause I am kinda a beer connisuer mydamnself. Check it, I offered her a beer, she accepted and when I gave her a Tucher and she actually recognized it as a good beer. I’m gonna have to take her to this Spot called the Leon Pub. Just a little beerhouse, but they have tons and tons and tons of different beer…………..Yeah, I have been in Tally long enough to know about all these little cool spots. It helps to show the difference between me and the stereotypical “Local”.

-The Muthafuckin’ BULLY


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