Saturday, April 07, 2007

Fuck them cats that are locked up

Naw...I mean really...Fuck them!!!!

Ok, check it. It seems like the new...ummm, cool....keeping it real type thing to do is to give cats that are in jail shout outs and shit. I listen to XM Radio, mostly 66 Raw and I have been hearing Mz. Kitty tonboutsum one time for them nigga thats locked up and and and We got love for yall niggas, be strong till you get out and shit. And THEEEEENNNNN I heard one of the D.J.'s on local ass radio in Tallahassee giving some jailbird ass niggas shouts out and bout he had some free passes to the club when they get out and shit just cause they are listeners. I say FUCK THEM JAILBIRD ASS CATS.

Really, cause a lot ofcats get locked up for some fucked up shit like robbing grandmas and sticking their fingers and cacks in little boy's assholes and slappin nunns and spittin on flags and murking niggas and all that. I mean, yeah, when the get out treat bout normal, but don't hype them niggas for being in jail. Don't boost them niggas for doing shit that warrants them going to jail. What does that shit tell our kids? What is that doing to us as a as a culture? I mean for real.


I mean, if a nigga.......or a cracka, spic, gook, chink, jap, wop, wetback, redskin, sand nigga, I mean anyone goes to jail we need to let them pay the fucking cost. The cost which does not include glorification.

I'm done.

-the BULLY


Blogger Beana said...

Before I even finish reading your post i had to stop and comment. I TOTALLY AGREE. I just heard a song on the radio bout holding down brothas in jail cause they took care of you while they was out, and the main girl put a block on the line. yada yada I'm like you. You got caught up and now u locked up...shut up and do your damn time and leave us law abiding or not caught yet folks alone LOL Yeah she put a block on the phone, yo locked up monkey ass can't pay that collect phone bill can ya! F*ck em!!!

12:10 PM  

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