WWwooowwwww......In the year 2008: Predictions by the Muthafuggin BULLY
So, yeah, these is gonna be my predictions of things to come in the Year 2008......I mean.....DAMN, if a Negroid name some muthafuggin Barrack Obama can win a caucus in muthafuggin lilly white as hell fuggin non professional sports team having ass, 99.53% white state ass Iowa (or whatever white state it was) then some of this shit I'm bout to say has to have a good chance of coming true.
Let the predictions begin......
1) The number of black women daing white men will sky rocket. When asked why go white the average black woman will respond "For that donkey kong......."
2) Although Bill Clinton will always be regarded as the first "black" President and will be loved for the great things that he has done, the younger "Rap" generation will begin to hold George W. in high regard for being the first "Maaadddd Niggerish" President. (Think about that shit....he got the job on a hook up, did a shitty ass job punked out a few small countries, lied to us all and only used his position to help put money in the pockets of him and his boys Cheney 'nem)
3) Gas will hit $17.37 a gallon and everyone goes back to riding horses and shit......except for the really cool guys, rappers, and dope boys....they ride Yaks.
4) The BULLY will actually go out on a legitimate date with a white girl and then take her over to his Momma's house for Sweet Potato Pie and a couple of episodes of Martin.
5) Sean Wayons will NOT act all gay in a movie....actually showing that he CAN be more than just himself in movies.
6) Slaus 'nem will make me, the Muthafuggin BULLY, an official staff member of O Hell Nawl (http://www.ohellnawl.wordpress.com/).
7) The BULLY and CHocl8t ( http://thechocl8tdiaries.wordpress.com/ ) party out one Night in Atl at that night club called Opera House, sneak off to a dark corner, and do a little bit of something that shouldnt be done a) in public and b) in a building that used to be a church
8) Steve's status will be upgraded from extra large medium to just extra large (after a few months of experimenting with Extenze)
9) Hillary Clinton will be elected President and at the end on inaugeration ol' Slick Willy will jump out and be like "Gotcha' bitches....I'm back!!!!"
10) My Dear sweet, damn near virginal friend Shug (http://www.shugaorspice.blogspot.com/) will become a super freak and will far surpass Q in her Kinkery, while Q becomes the nice homely latina version of Martha Stewart (We'll call her Conswello Stewart) after she maries her "friend" J.
Shiiiiiiitttttt, I'm Tired. All I did this weekend was shit about a pools worth of brown water. The dehydration is really fucking me up right about now.
Holla at your boy.
-the BULLY
Let the predictions begin......
1) The number of black women daing white men will sky rocket. When asked why go white the average black woman will respond "For that donkey kong......."
2) Although Bill Clinton will always be regarded as the first "black" President and will be loved for the great things that he has done, the younger "Rap" generation will begin to hold George W. in high regard for being the first "Maaadddd Niggerish" President. (Think about that shit....he got the job on a hook up, did a shitty ass job punked out a few small countries, lied to us all and only used his position to help put money in the pockets of him and his boys Cheney 'nem)
3) Gas will hit $17.37 a gallon and everyone goes back to riding horses and shit......except for the really cool guys, rappers, and dope boys....they ride Yaks.
4) The BULLY will actually go out on a legitimate date with a white girl and then take her over to his Momma's house for Sweet Potato Pie and a couple of episodes of Martin.
5) Sean Wayons will NOT act all gay in a movie....actually showing that he CAN be more than just himself in movies.
6) Slaus 'nem will make me, the Muthafuggin BULLY, an official staff member of O Hell Nawl (http://www.ohellnawl.wordpress.com/).
7) The BULLY and CHocl8t ( http://thechocl8tdiaries.wordpress.com/ ) party out one Night in Atl at that night club called Opera House, sneak off to a dark corner, and do a little bit of something that shouldnt be done a) in public and b) in a building that used to be a church
8) Steve's status will be upgraded from extra large medium to just extra large (after a few months of experimenting with Extenze)
9) Hillary Clinton will be elected President and at the end on inaugeration ol' Slick Willy will jump out and be like "Gotcha' bitches....I'm back!!!!"
10) My Dear sweet, damn near virginal friend Shug (http://www.shugaorspice.blogspot.com/) will become a super freak and will far surpass Q in her Kinkery, while Q becomes the nice homely latina version of Martha Stewart (We'll call her Conswello Stewart) after she maries her "friend" J.
Shiiiiiiitttttt, I'm Tired. All I did this weekend was shit about a pools worth of brown water. The dehydration is really fucking me up right about now.
Holla at your boy.
-the BULLY
BWAAHAHAH bThere Is another lawyer up in this bitch that calls me Consuela all. the . damned time
And J WILL be my "golden Years Husband" (he's waiting out my whore tendencies)
Bully is the Blogosphere Nostrodamus!! Hot DAYUM! I never heard of the Opera House...but if your predition came true in The Tabernacle, our tickets to haaaiil would be virtually guaranteed and non-refundable!!!
LMAO "for that donkey kong..."
LOL! I was a superfreak last year...I just didn't write about it. ;-)
I am too mad at your for that GWB ish! (too bad it's true)
Fugg a horse. And I'm riding a camel, dammit. Didn't you know camels take you on shopping sprees in Paris and shyt?
Let me find out you and chocl8t bout to get freaky-deaky.....
You gon' take pictures, right? Hahahahaha
I once saw a picture of a camel riding a camel.
omg this is tooo funny. lol.
man, when you put it like that, bush is mad niggerish. LMAO!
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