Wednesday, August 26, 2009



It's like 7:45 am and so far I have drank like 2.5 quarts of water, and I am about to refill my water bottle again.

Ok. I just refilled my bottle. Its an old greet 1 quart squeeze bottle from gatorade. It was part of a pack. Came with a few packs of gatorade powder. Think I bought it when I was in highschool, and it is now sitting in here on my desk.....ten years after highschool.

Ok. I'm about to start out on a lesson for the acquisitions training that I have to go through fro my job. Its a ton of shit. Boring as aaaallll hell, but I'm trying to bang thorugh it as much as I can, before my work load revs up. So, yeah, get through a lesson, then set up my health insurance..and 401k type thing, then do another lesson. And I have some sort of meeting this after noon (big fun)

Yeah, if you hadn't noticed I'm feeling very BLAH right now. Its hard not to feel blah when you don't have anything to do at work yet, other than boring ass online courses. And I think the lack of sleep is catching up with me too, but I am starting to get a handle on it. I was sleep by 10:30 last night, and by 11 the night before. I slept in on Monday and got my 8 hours. I get up at 5:30, so getting to bed is pretty important. I get up at 5:30, and get in around 15 minutes of cardio. I alternate between going out and jogging and doing stuff in the In-Home-Gym (Pull-ups, Push-ups, hitting the punching bag and jumping rope (9' cielings are awesome))

Getting dedicated to the whole health and fitness thing again. Working on my hydration, eating veggies and fruit......Shit, I can't believe that by 9 am, I will have downed a gallon of water. My water consumption tapers off after that, though. Maybe I should try to spread my consumption out more evenly......maybe.

Ok, gonna go be productive.

-the Pickle


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