Friday, January 11, 2008


Sometimes I feel this way.

I watched this movie last night. A damn good movie. 3:10 to Yuma. It was an ol' shoot 'em up western type movie. Christian Bale, Russel Crow, and this other skinny little white dude that plays a certain type of derranged bad ass that I can't help but like a lot. (He played the brother of the kid that got killed in "Alpha Dog"....and I have seen him in something else, and same type of role.)

ANyway......Sometimes I feel this way and seeing that movie has only helped me to feel this way....again. I get all stressed out with life and shit andI just wanna get away. Get away to much simpler existence. Like in western times. Back then all a nigga needed was a horse, the clothes on his back, a bad ass hat and a gun or two. Ride out on horse. Shoot yourself a little dinner. Be a bad ass and all that shit. Run into town and run off in a couple broads if you feel like it...and you could raw dog bout all you wanted cause you aint too much have to worry bout catchin shit.

But shiiiiiiittttt. Let me get a fuckin horse.....and start rollin round with a big ass fuckin gun hanging over the side of the sumbitch and then be running up in broads' guts all raw and shit. Nigga life would not last too much longer and it would really fucking suck the little bit of time that it would last.

Maybe I should quit my job and just train all crazy and get into fighting. I got enough pent (pinned) up anger an' frustration and all that shit to last me a fuckin while.


I got all pissed earlier today cause I found out that this kid did some work for my machines and didn't even let me know. I got a call from a dude at Technical HQ asking me about shit on my machines and I don't know what the fuck is going on. I'm not really all the mad that he actually did it, but I'm mad about not even being included in the fucking loop. Why am I not in the fucking loop? I'm not in the fucking loop cause I stay busy with this fuckin' other position shit that they got me doing. 50/50 my fuckin' ass.

Yep.....I see me being all pissy all fucking weekend with my non-fuicking girlfriend (read she doesn't fuck me). .......I've been thinking about not trying to fuck her cause I might end up breaking up with her.......but fuck that. I think I am gonna go ahead and fuck her and if I break up with her than so fucking be it.

I mean shiiiiiiiitttt. Ma BULLY tells me I am a hot damn it.....I'm gonna start back acting like it wether I am treated like it or not.


I already got a couple guns.......Y'all know where a nigga can buy a horse?



Blogger Chocl8t said...


I feel your frustrations today. Go over to O'Hell Nawl and get that cocktail recipe. Go to the store, buy the ingrediants...or hit the bar down of few of dem thangs. It will help put things in least for a while.

7:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bwahahahah I just imagined your country ass riding a horse and straining the fuck off of the poor animal

2:55 PM  

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