I just booked my boys' and my.....ok, I don't know the grammatically correct way of saying way of saying this. If you do then kiss my ass. Anyway I just booked our hotel for our trip to South Beach during Memorial day weekend. We gonna spend 4 days down there this year. Checking in Friday, checking out Tuesday. That way we will have a day to just chillax before we bizzounce. Most folks peace out on Monday.
I just felt like doing that.

Damn......4 months away.
I'm trying for a different look, and my goal is to maintain it for/through that weekend. Yeah, the BULLY is growin' a little fro....and a beard. I'm gonna be looking straight crazy. Not too bad , though, cuz I am gonna keep my shit taped up. Well...kinda keep it up. I'm looking at every 2 weeks to get an edge up on the hair and bizzeard. Maybe its a little gay, but I'm doing it as a post break up change type thing. Besides......a nigga been wanting to grow out his hair for a while....try to look like ol' boy off CSI:Las Vegas. (Just by the hair....there aint nothing big, short, or dark about that freckle havin' knee grow.)
Ma BULLY says I should do the fade into the fro type thing...I think I'll just rock the tight edge up and let it go.
I aaaaammm sssssooooo glad the weekend his here. I mean, I'm still prolly gonna come up in here for a little tomorrow, but I don't worry about it so muc cause its just me and I can focus on what I need to do and get it done right quick.
I wish Memorial Day Weekend wasn't so damn far from now, but it will help me in my work outs cause it will be a great motivator. I really wanna be the dude without a shirt and actually pull females just off that. I ain't trying to have a six pack or nothing....big boys like me don't get six packs. I'll look damn good with out the kizzeg that I got.
Skeet Skeet Skkeeeeeeeet
I just felt like doing that.
Yeah, I got some pics from my weekend in Tampuh. I gotta figure out how to put pics up on blogger.
Oh, I guess that shit aint so hard to do. Yeah, that's me and I be punchin' the shit outta elephants.
And I am a writer, director, and producer of Turtle Porn.....Snappin' Turtle Porn to be exact.

I think the A-Team Van is Fuckin' Awesome.....but not as awesome as Serena's AAAaaasssssss
they should have never let me find that add picture button.........Its about to get real off da chain in huuurrrr
-the Picture Posting BULLY
LMAO at turtle porn
... that ass is just ridiculously gorgeous.
and man.. you get the A team Van, and im riding shot gun.
just big ass negroes pulling over asking strangers: where dem cheese burgers
Ok... after the first couple sentences I actually had a good comment... a pretty sarcastic one too... but after the pics with the commentary and all the skeet skeets... I am speechless!!
LOL @ the turtle porn...dayum shame!! Serena really helped out the "phat booty" girlz..I ain't mad at her nor the men that drool over it.
Do you thang your thang!! :)
Ebster.....were you gonna say something about kissin' the BULLY's ass?
Turtle porn is where it's at!!!
Coincidentally I too consider Serena a woman that a man could play "turtle" with.... *sigh* let's not ask for the details on THAT
You coming to my neck of the woods!!??? Fonky!!!... you might, however need to get to the Hard Rock Casino, cause as far as I've seen there isn't much to be done around SoBe, let's see, we might hafta get a look at that baby fro you gonna be sporting
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