......Really, dog.....really?
Al Reynolds.....
I really don't feel like I need to say anymore cause just that dude's name makes me lmmao.
Seriously though, I aint mad at what he did. In a way I kinda applaud him and that dude that married Tony McMillan. For real. That was some good payback ....Mike Tyson was my hero.....Robyn Givens better hope she don't eeeevvvveeerr come cross me in the Streets.
Fa Real. If women can be golddiggers so can femenine ass men.
Here is what I don't like. Matter of fact this is what I hate..... I hate it when people try to insult my inteligence. Yeah, I may be a big silly lookin Negro that they call the BULLY, but I ain't no dummy, Al. Whicho Gay Ass. Tomboutsum "I'm not gay".....Niggro PLEEAAASSE.
Look at this shit.
I really don't feel like I need to say anymore cause just that dude's name makes me lmmao.
Seriously though, I aint mad at what he did. In a way I kinda applaud him and that dude that married Tony McMillan. For real. That was some good payback ....Mike Tyson was my hero.....Robyn Givens better hope she don't eeeevvvveeerr come cross me in the Streets.
Fa Real. If women can be golddiggers so can femenine ass men.
Here is what I don't like. Matter of fact this is what I hate..... I hate it when people try to insult my inteligence. Yeah, I may be a big silly lookin Negro that they call the BULLY, but I ain't no dummy, Al. Whicho Gay Ass. Tomboutsum "I'm not gay".....Niggro PLEEAAASSE.
Look at this shit.

Really....look how not right that shit might look on a real ass not-gay negro like myself.

Anyway................... I decided to get some expert oppinions.
Thats right..... Gay people.
I enlisted the help of homersexuals.
Check theses comments from the nice people over at Towleroad.com
-Gal Reynolds is NOT gay. He's on the down low. That's entirely different from gay. Really ya'll it isssss.
-Okay, let's review:
Afalfa cum Pee Wee Herman Helmet Cut
Extreme Eyebrow Wax Job
Mustache Trim
Chronic Gayface and Lip Pursing Thoughout Interview
Strategic Head Back Toss
Just for Men Hair Color (Dark Brown)
Denial of Homosexuality
Thats right..... Gay people.
I enlisted the help of homersexuals.
Check theses comments from the nice people over at Towleroad.com
-Gal Reynolds is NOT gay. He's on the down low. That's entirely different from gay. Really ya'll it isssss.
-Okay, let's review:
Afalfa cum Pee Wee Herman Helmet Cut
Extreme Eyebrow Wax Job
Mustache Trim
Chronic Gayface and Lip Pursing Thoughout Interview
Strategic Head Back Toss
Just for Men Hair Color (Dark Brown)
Denial of Homosexuality
-Just because he attended a Fire Island Pines party dressed as Bam-Bam from The Flintstones does NOT make Al Reynolds gay!
-Al Reynolds almost melted my gay-dar the first time that I saw him. Al, you may not consider yourself gay. There is a term that some folk would use instead. Ever heard the term "MSM"? Men that sleep with men, but may have a woman or two on the side
-All right, fine fine FINE. You're not gay already. You go to gay bars, you dress like a one-man circuit party and you have the worst taste in women since Ferdinand Marcos--but you're not gay. Hooray for you.
Well, there you have it...straight from the gay ass horses mouth.
-the Muthafuggin BULLY
p.s.: NIGGER (you know I gotta say it atleast once in a post........HOLLLAAAA!!!)
p.s.: NIGGER (you know I gotta say it atleast once in a post........HOLLLAAAA!!!)
Labels: Gayness, That shit aint right
Ok um bully...i know I'm suppose to agree but for real...I could do some freak nasty shit wit u in dem dere draws....im just sayin...nigger. :-)
look @ THE BULLY with them daisy dooks on! lol
yea he is gay i agree, but so what i LOVE gay men! :)
bwahahahahah! Q showed me the text when you sent it to her and i almost fainted!
did not know ed hardy made undies. and they got tigers on them???
not too sure about those.
the comment on ol dude were funny though.
Agreed. That nigga is gay as HELL!
He is even gayer than those damn panties you're holding up.
Nothing wrong with gay men at all. I wish I had a gay friend to go shopping with. But dammit, he needs to stop lying to himself.
lmfao... yeah... dude is definitely gay and I said that before she married him... she the one who was playing boo boo the fool
oh... and then ed hardy undies looked good on ya... get a whip and some chains and one of them ladies you be banging and let her have her way
umm was this pic taken in St johns town center??? LOL anywhoo yes he IS GAY...i'm mad I didn't get to see ya..U BULLAY!!!! maybe next time.
LMAO @ the first comment:"Gal Reynolds is NOT gay. He's on the down low. That's entirely different from gay. Really ya'll it isssss."
dead of "isssssss"
Damn, what a rant and you really are a bully! LOL. Hey, I have a question...What are "jibbies"?
Is Al, gay? Who knows? I mean, besides, him, Star and the other men that he's sleep with. Who cares? Not I...Let the man do him and whoever else he does.
Do I think he is gay? Yes. Does he give off gay? Yes. Do I care if he is gay? No. Do I think this post was funny? Yes.
BWAHAHAHAH ^^^ Does he Give Off Gay!??!??!?!?
this shit made the whole post do me in all over one mo gain!
ha...your posts are hilarious..
lovin it, keep it up mane...
Dallas Black
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