Ummm, o.k., I’m really starting to get sick and tired of the bullshit. So, yeah……the BULLY went out on a date Satuday night. It ended up being a really good date. One of my most expensive ones in a minute, too. Had like three main stops and still kicked it with her at her spizzot afterwards. Dinner, movie, café shisha, and then movie at her crib. Chick was cute, had that real nice femine sexy thing going on, but wasn’t too girly. Real confident, witty, kinda smart ass like chick. She was my type. I felt a little funny cause she was the close friends with some of the girls in my ex’s sorority. As a matter of fact she lives with two of ‘em, but I figured that it would be straight, she isn’t in the sorority and she isn’t friends with the ex, they would see each other from time to time, but they weren’t actually friends, they didn’t talk too each other and shit. The only thing that was kinda off bout the date was that ol’ girl spit that ol bullshit of “I’m not having sex anymore until I get engaged.”. Yeah, what-the-fuck-ever, the motherfuckin’ BULLY has heard that type of thing before. The BULLY can tell when a chick wants him, and not only when a chick wants him, but when that shit is fucking guaranteed with a little bit of effort from the BULLY, and well…… the BULLY did not see any signs to tell him that he was not gonna get to rip.
Anyway, the BULLY and ol’ girl talk on the phone a little on Sunday. The BULLY gets to thinking bout stuff, and comes to the decision that it was kinda disrespectful for him to be talkin’ to a chick so close to his ex. Figured it would be best to not kick it so much, try to hold off on the dating for a lil bit, atleast for a few weeks. O’l girl was supposed to call Monday night so I figured I would talk it over with her then. She calls, starts going into a little shpeel about how she would be coming in contact with the ex’ and how she didn’t want any problems and all that. The BULLY is thinking she is on the same wavelength as him, that is until she dropped the bomb on a nigga. “I called the ex and told her that we went out.”…………………”You did what?” exclaimed the BULLY.
BULLSHIT……………..FUCK………………Why would you do a thing like that.
So, basically, this chick done started up an entire shit storm of trouble. A shit storm, that envolve catty, gossipy chicks. So, as far as I know, this one date has its roots in a long time coming out of two secret lovers and all that shit. I ended up going out with ol’ girl after seeing her at a friend of mine’s pool party/birthday celebration. My friend is in my ex’s sorority, so yeah there were some sorors there. My ex was there for a while, but she left shortly after I got there. When I got there I got to talking with my sister (a soror too) and ol’ girl cause they were near each other. We talked some, and she flirted some with the other dudes there. When it bout time to go we decided to go see a movie together. That’s how it happened. The story is now being turned around to me and ol’ girl waited till the ex left and then were all up in each other’s face. And a whole bunch of shit like that. There is no telling how the hell this is gonna end, but I got a feeling that however this ending is reached it won’t be good.
I hate highschool like bull shit. Really, I do.
-the BULLY
Anyway, the BULLY and ol’ girl talk on the phone a little on Sunday. The BULLY gets to thinking bout stuff, and comes to the decision that it was kinda disrespectful for him to be talkin’ to a chick so close to his ex. Figured it would be best to not kick it so much, try to hold off on the dating for a lil bit, atleast for a few weeks. O’l girl was supposed to call Monday night so I figured I would talk it over with her then. She calls, starts going into a little shpeel about how she would be coming in contact with the ex’ and how she didn’t want any problems and all that. The BULLY is thinking she is on the same wavelength as him, that is until she dropped the bomb on a nigga. “I called the ex and told her that we went out.”…………………”You did what?” exclaimed the BULLY.
BULLSHIT……………..FUCK………………Why would you do a thing like that.
So, basically, this chick done started up an entire shit storm of trouble. A shit storm, that envolve catty, gossipy chicks. So, as far as I know, this one date has its roots in a long time coming out of two secret lovers and all that shit. I ended up going out with ol’ girl after seeing her at a friend of mine’s pool party/birthday celebration. My friend is in my ex’s sorority, so yeah there were some sorors there. My ex was there for a while, but she left shortly after I got there. When I got there I got to talking with my sister (a soror too) and ol’ girl cause they were near each other. We talked some, and she flirted some with the other dudes there. When it bout time to go we decided to go see a movie together. That’s how it happened. The story is now being turned around to me and ol’ girl waited till the ex left and then were all up in each other’s face. And a whole bunch of shit like that. There is no telling how the hell this is gonna end, but I got a feeling that however this ending is reached it won’t be good.
I hate highschool like bull shit. Really, I do.
-the BULLY