Tuesday, June 28, 2005

I'm not Sprung, but I have a new good friend

I don't miss my ex anymore. Finally, after like a year I feel pretty good with respect to our relationship. I think the whole thing waxs a great learning experience either way you look at it. I learned that being who you are and maintaining that persona is very important. Even if you think you are giving someone more of what they want, you aren't. That person was digging you for you, not a "trying to make them happy" you.

I've got a new close female friend now too. She is a really great girl. (Another Mech. Engineer, of course, getting her Masters in Industrial at UCF) I met her in school and have been talking to her on the phone alot theses last few months and she doesn't get on my nerves at all. Real cool Chick. For blogspot purposes I will call her Coffee. Mu boys will know who I am talking bout.

Monday, June 27, 2005

the BULLY goes back to school

Yeah, biotches, the BULLY is going back to school. Late mornings, dumb freshmen women, Leach Center, lots of beer, Club Publix, occasionally getting grounded by my mom and not being allowed to ride the pink bike. All that shit. Ha ha, I got my own damn car so I cant get grounded anymore.....score. I also get to be the oldest motherfucker by like 4 years in my classes cause I got to take all these weak ass pre-reqs. It's all good though.

Going back for the ole MBA which, in my case, stands for Master Black Ass. I also get to feel like a chump when I see old friends back in town. I don't wanna seem like the guy that couldn't make it out in the real world. I don't think anyone will say that shit though. I'm not gonna be like a lot of folks from back home that aint doing shit or anything. I'm preparing myself for the future. I really feel like I will so much be the shit once I completely finished with my MBA. I get kinda hype just thinking about it. I will also be happy to be close to the people I am close with. Peoples like my moms and sister, my dog (Asia), my old truck, most of my family and friends from school are in Fla. (Driving Distance)

I am pretty hype about going back to school, even though I get to be the old guy in class while I take my pre-reqs. It won't be bad, I mean, Deeno was our old guy and we all liked him. Well, actually, Mason is really alot older, but he is cool cause he taught us stuff like "the Flying Squirrel"

-the College Student, Formerly known as Mr. Funktastic

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Just had a talk with my ex-girlfriend

So.....yeah, I just got off the phone with my ex. Damn our shit is all fucked up. Its late, time for bed, and I need to piss, so this is gonna be quick.

I still have mad feeling for her, a big part of me wants to be back with her. A smaller, but still really strong, more rationally thinking part of me says "Naw, Big Dog, for this, this, and that reason." I'm a fucking engineer by design. My rational part is so fucking strong til it don't make no since. Sometimes, although I like what it adds to most other aspects of my life, I feel like it messes up some of the "finer" points in my life.

What fucks shit up for me and her is that we might end up being really close to each other, geographically by the end of next month. I wonder if I should just not listen to my rational side so much and just proceed with caution as in opposed to completely making a detour?

I dunno. Guys talk to the bully.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Make a damn post, bidiotches!!!!

When I get bored at work, or even sometimes at home, I like to come online and read my friends' (E dot and Robbio) blog spots.

Well lately I am the only one posting new shit, and its pising me off. Those fags need to start posting new blogs or adding comments to my shit so I can have something to read.

Damn those lazy ass bidiotches.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Thin Line between idiocy and genius

I swear I do the most idiotic and or weird things some times. I just got finished pushing a roller chair around in an oval for like five minutes straight. Fucking crazy.......yeah, I know. I do a lot of weird shit like that, I'm actually a kind of weird dude. Not weird where you wouldn't wanna leave me alone in your mom's house just different.........its just obvious, at times, that I don't think like the average person.

I have a very good reason for this, though, I'm a smart dude. I don't mentally idle well at all. I need something to keep my mind cranking. Be it calculus or a roller chair I gotta have something. What makes things so bad is that I think I kinda have a.d.d. along with the random way of thinking, so that means I sparaticly think about abstract shit some times. A couple things that I know can hold my attention are training and problem solving, especially mechanical type shit. On my last internship I did a lot of design/redesign stuff. Never got bored or did silly shit like push a chair around in a fucking circle. I miss using my mind for good shit like design and stuff. I love my mind and my mind's potential,and I so hate that is going to waste.


Maybe I will take up model building or some shit, some sort of mentally challenging hobby

-Mr. Mind going to goo

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

My date from senior prom

So my home boy, E dot, who is living in L.A. comes across this girl and finds out she went to prom with me. He calls me and tells me and asks if I want to say anything to her. I didn't have shit to say.

The last time I saw her was a couple of years ago during X-mas break. She talked to me like I was stupid saying " I go to Berkeley, you know, in California." in an extremely condescending manor.

Hold the fuck on. I'm the BULLY. I remember how you ranked against me in school in certain standardized tests and shit. You are wearing a fucking gurtle. You go off to some school join a sorority and forget who the fuck I am.

That is what I thought about and that is why I didn't have shit to say to my date from senior prom.

Fuck All That. I probably should have peed on her back then, would not have had anyproblems like that if only I would have peed on her.

Damn I need to learn to not get so mad over petty shit.

Friday, June 03, 2005

White girls

I can't talk to white girls. I have grown up going to predominantly white schools since middle school. Been around bookoo (fuck tryin to spell that right) white girls, and never have been able to try to "talk" to one. When I say "talk to" I mean try to holler or establish a relationship. I just can't do it.

Well there is one exception...:Lindsay. Me and Lindsay have been friends since 9th grade when she gave me her number and told me to call her. I never called her cause I was all types of wierded out by the hippy white girl that died her hair with Kool Aid. Who wouldn't be, especially coming off of three years at a Christian middle school where if someone did that it would result in a suspension or something.

Anyway we became, and still are, really good friends. Of the three people from my highschool she is the one that I talk with the most. I even talk to her more than I do with my Chinese Cousin.

Me and Lindsay never hooked up or actually had a "beyond friedship" relationship, but we would get close enough, at times, for our parents to swear we were girlfriend and boyfriend. Her parents were cool with it and surprisingly enough so was my mom.

Other than Lindsay and a set of events in Wichita, Kansas I have no experience with white girls.

I'm sure I started this rant with some angry point to make, but I have forgotten it, whatever it was. SO oh fucking well.

Oh yeah, Leslie (referrence "Something about Leslie") has been acting real stank lately. In another few days she will probably get her own post again, just not as nice as the first one.