Thursday, July 28, 2005

My homeboy's ex-girl, the P.R.

So......... my boy, Seacrest, had this toight P.R. girlfriend for like 3 years while in college. I think of the 3 years they had a good 3 months of good times. They were always going at it. The only times I have ever, and I mean ever, mad was when he was with this chick.

Their relationship was bad. The first time me an' Seacrest really talked to each other was at a classmate's party. I'm standing outside I see Seacrest pull up, his girl is in the car behind him and a couple more girls were behind her. They go off to park. After a while the other two girls show up, and then Seacrest shows up, but no girlfriend. I didn't say anything cause like I said, we never spoke to each other before then. He got a drink comes back outside stands there for about 5 min and then says "I just broke up with my girlfriend." ............. Him and his girl had just broken up cause a dude called her a bitch, Seacrest tried to step to him she got mad at Seacrest and broke up with him right there. Crazyness.

All I could say to him was cwild out here at the party for a while then get back to the Apt. and chill. Then he said "Thats the problem, I live with her." That was when I said "DAMN!!".

Anyway, they got back together and all that but the chick never liked me for some reason. As a matter of fact out of our group, she only really liked Robbio, cause they could talk about hippie food and shit. Anyway, after their final break up and Seacrest got this new girlfriend, that was cool and got along great with all of us the P.R. said she was gonna show Seacrest the real her. And apparently the real her likes me and is nice to me and shit.

So it's been over a year and since all this "new her" shit happened. I see where Seacrest sent out some dumb e-mail and out of the blue the P.R. replies back busting him out on how dumb it was. I surprised to see her e-mail us all so I sent her a note and she e-mailed me back all nice like and shit. Calling me "babe" and shit. Its just plain out weird to me. Maybe she is still trying to work the "I'm cool with your friends now, so you should give me another chance" thing.

Or maybe she genuinely wants to be nice to me now. I dunno.

Ken Brown


I don't know, Gerardo, but I like it.

Gerardo is this cat from my business unit, who has been getting some training here at my plant in Texas. He is based out of Venezuela, and although he has been to the states many times he has yet to visit a black stripclub. I felt it my civic duty to make sure he made it to one before he left the states to go back to Venezuela, so last night I took him to Peepin' Tom's, over in Ag-town (Ag-town is just slang for Arlington).

We started the night at this bar, drinking with co-workers as it is my last week and was his last day. Had some brews, but don't ask me how many......cause I don't know. We make it to Peeps and, of course, there is some serious booty wobbling an' all that good shit. You know, like, poppin on a handstand, pulling one leg over the head and then flexing a booty cheek, the whole move the asshole in and out thing (I don't really understand that move) and asses shaking like they are made out of soft jello in a thin latex bubble shaped bag. Oh, yeah, and then there was just the regular dancing that damn near made it seem like those chicks were missing some bones or something.

After watching something like 2 booty-profeesionals dance Gerardo leans over and asks me "How do they move like this?" I answered "I don't know, but I like it."

-the stripper lovin BULLY

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Final Days

So, yeah, I am in my last week in Texas. Last few days at the Flour Mill. I'm starting to think I might miss this here spot. It is to be expected that I miss aplace that I have been coming to for the past year straight. I think it will mostly be people that I miss. Some of em. I will glad to not have to see many of the cock faces that are here.

I should have something angry to say, but I'm not feeling too angry right now. Kinda got a head ache. Shaved my head last night, and after going a month and a half without cutting it, it feels really really good. I'm surprised that I'm not hype yet about going back to tally and picking up on all the old pass times I had. Working out seriouslyat the schools super nice gym, wrestling, NSBE, on campus activities. This shit is gonna be so good, especially since I am gonna appreciate it so much more after coming from the fucking flour mill. Oh yeah, I'm excited about being around educated women. College women.

Maybe it is just me, but college does so much for a woman, well anyone actually but I only care about how it affects women. Educated women are sooooooooo sexy. Educated women just do it for me. Not that I hold it against un-educated folk, but the whole college thing brings on a type of maturity quicker than that un-educated people obtain. Its that maturity that does it for me.

Well, I am getting a little bit hype about going back to tally, I've already started lining up workout partners, and folks to be on that drank with, and maybe even have a couple of feelers out there for a trollomp or two. Yeah, I said it, a trollomp. (Trollomp- breezie, dazzle, skalliwag, brizzle, chimichunga, beniite, skee-oo, binhph, snowbunny (just the white ones), etc. )

-he Motherfuckin BULLY

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

New beginnings

So yeah, as I stated in a previous Blog I am leaving my job and going back home to do the Grad School thing. Now that the whole "Hey, I'm not gonna be making flour anymore!!" and the "Wow, I'm gonna be the old guy in class." and the "Damn, I'm gonna be back at home in my Momma's house again." stages I am, now starting to drift into the "This is my chance at a whole new beginning." stage.

I think I will do so much better all around this time in college, and when job hunting time comes around. I say this because I have matured soooooo much in this past year. I have never lived away from home, I have been off on a couple of internships, and each time I grew up some. Ihave been doing this shit for a damn year. I've learned alot about myself, people, and life in general.

Its kinda weird. Some of the things that have changed about me and or my views are complete opposites. I've learened to be alot more appreciative and the importance of showing that appreciation, but I have also learned the importance of knowing when, and to what level of intensity, to be a self centered asshole. I've always understood the importance of taking care of numer one. Don't get me wrong, being really nice to people and all that is great, but you yourself being happy is what is really important. I know this shit will probably come off as super asshloish , but I think most people that really KNOW me will have an understanding of what I'm getting at.

Anyway, I really kinda feel I have a new shot at life. I don't feel like I have pissed away my life so far, but I do know that I haven't made my best attempt at much of anything. I know that I am capable of great great things, but virtually everything that I have done for a long long time has been with little to no effort. I've been coasting, just chillin. Going through this year of making flour has really opened my eyes to alot of stuff, and I hope I don't piss away what I have learned.

But, I still say "FUCK FLOUR", "FUCK ALL THAT (SHIT)", "........BITCH.......", AND "I'm Clyde!!"

-Clyde, the motherfuckin' BULLY

Sunday, July 03, 2005

The Princess

The princess is what I call Leslie. Why do I call her the princess? Well, what else should you call a princess?

Anyway, she reads my blogsite sometimes but never ever posts any comments, sometimes she just reads it, and will just wait for a long time to bring up anything that she read. She uses the time gap to..........I don't know, she does it for some reason. But that doesn't really matter for anything.

Out of all the chicks that I have met out here in Texas she is the only one that I have continued to like talking with, even if I did say she was acting stank. I was probably being a little assholish when I said that. I knew she was going through stressfull times and stuff with school and work and the career search and all that. I think what bothered me was that she couldn't relax and let it go for a bit. I got tired of talking to a depressed sounding person. Not so much her acting stank, just kinda stressed and she didn't feel as happy and relaxed and it came out in her conversation, and I didn't like it.

Maybe I am the one that was acting stank.

Whatever. All I know is that me and the Princess will always have that magical night at that Italian Restaurant (the name of which I can't remember) where we dined and I drank mimosas.
Pure Magic.

-Mr. "I love drinking Mimosas"

Ok, not all of my boys, just 1or2

OK, on a previous post I made a referrence to a chick called "Coffee" and said my boys new who I was talking about.

In actuallity I really should have said a few of my boys would know who I'm talking about. To say a few would be stretching it. I know most of my boys, if not all, new I was kicking it with this chick, but only a few new of me referring to her as Coffee. I know my boy Finley knew her by Coffee. She got this nickname because she would call me late at night to "Bring her some coffee". Thats all.

So.......Sorry, Robbio. Here is a nickname that I am making up about a chick that only you will catch: "Red Bunny".

The red bunny had me all types of freaking out, so I called my boy to ask him about shit and to help me calm down. (Red Bunny is not related to Redballs, but Hey, Redballs)

-Mr. Freaktastic