Monday, November 28, 2005

No new job, and no hookin up with a stripper.

So, yeah, the dude I met never called me, nor did any of his bitches. I really hoped I would get a chance to drive strippers around. Oh well.

O.k., Tallahassee is really small. I saw the stripper that I raved about the other night, who actually wasn't that hot. Her super tightness was just a result of 1) The other stripper did not look good at all 2) I was feeling my drink and 3) I was feelin kinda froggie. Anyway, she pulled up right next to me at seminole discount liquor in her whit kia sephia, sittin on chrome 20's. Straight hood rich. She had some scraggly looking dude with her, she said he was her dude. I asked her if she was gonna call me and she was just like "Nooooo".

I knew she wasn't gonna call anyway, but I had the urge to try. Didn't lose anything in trying. I really like strippers, what can I say.

-the "Still lovin Strippers" BULLY

Saturday, November 26, 2005

A new job proposition

So I met a dude tonight through a common friend. He kinda made me a job offer. He runs a stripper business and told me he needs a dude to carry one or so of his bitches to their gigs. I was like helllllll yeah. I hope it comes through. That job would combine atleast 3 of my favorite things. Those three would be money, nekket chicks, and intimidating folk. I soooooo hope this shit comes through for me. I'll be on here on the morrow to let you all know if the shit comes through tomorrow.

I met this bad ass mixed girl stripper at my home boy's bachelor party tonight. She had a reaL GOOD ASS. Real good. It had good size and shape, but when I smacked it, it just felt kinda solid. It had jsut a little jiggle, but sat there solid. I had to hit on her, and give her my number. I really do hope she hollars at me. I just know that poohswah has to be the shit.

Anyway, I'll hollah.

Sunday, November 20, 2005


I think I'm gonna try to get my tonsils taken out some time during Christmas break. The weird thing is , the only person other than my moms and sister that I really thought about seeing me while I would be in in the hospital was my ex?

-the BULLY

Motherfuckers make me mad.....mad as hell

Maybe this shit only happens to me be, but some times motherfuckers do shit that pisses me the fuck off, and then they have the nerve to ask me "Are you mad?" or "Did I make you mad?". Motherfucker, if you feel the need to ask me if you made me mad, then probably did make me mad. Don't ask me that shit. If you don't know enough to realize that IF YOU THINK you did something to piss me off then you probabluy did I don't need you bothering me.

Fuck it, I don't have anything else to say about that shit. Nothing.
-The Motherfucking BULLY

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

That Greek Shit aint SHIT

Maybe I'm just dumb, but what is it about greek letters, two color combinations, and secret hand shakes that makes shit super important? I don't understand it. Motherfuckers get in that greek shit and start believing that it is "Their Life". Stupid sumbitches. Its a fucking club that you have to pay a shit load of money to be in and then doesn't do anything remotely important to society except for the occasional community service project here and there. They aint keeping America Free. I haven't seen or heard of any Frats/Sororities lookin for Bin Laaaaaaadin, nothing.

I really hate it, though, when them sumbitches start really believing that their greek organizations are family, giving them precidence over their real family. I know a chick who's sorority "sister" got smart at the mouth with her moms. Did said chick whoop that sister's ass, right in front of moms, cuss that bitch out over the phone in front of moms, or atleast stop kicking it with said bitch? Nope, she didn't do any of those. What the fuck?!?!?!

Had that been one of my boys, I would have flipped, and I think any that knows me believes that. I know I don't have to worry about that though, because first off, I don's associate with people like that. Anyone that could disrespect your mom even once does not even have enough respect for you to be called a friend. Shit is just fucked up like that some times.

From shit like this, them damn no good AKA's, my pops (him and his no good brother were both Greek), and number one greek fuck up, George W. Bush, I think I am quite warranted in saying "FUCK ALL THAT GREEK SHIT!!!!!"

So Sayeth the MotherFuckin' BULLY

ps.: If you are greek, and this offends you, well I'm sorry, but .......FUCK YOU!!

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Facebook is a fucking time black hole.

Goddamn facebook keeps me from doing anything important on the computer with out wasting atleast an hour or more. It really pisses me off. Oh, I'm a smart one, I get off facebook to do what? Get on myblogspot and waste even more time. I deserve to fucking fail.

Anyway, so this chick sends me a fucking text message at like 2:30 in the a.m.. I end up calling and talking with her for a bit, but the convo goes nowhere. At first I really didn't think much of it, chick is kinda awky like that. She'll call and then talk with the mush mouth, as if some one just kicked her dog of the side of a fucking bridge and then said "That's how I roll!". I got off the phone and got to thinking "Hmm, I wonder If I just fumbled on a late nite break session?" So, of course , me being the shameless man that I am, I called her back, but got no answer.

The next day she texts me "U called back?". So I replied "Yeah, don't take this the wrong way, but I was just wondering if I fumbled on some sort of invite." She then has the nerve to get all smart and text me back "Uh, NO!"


How is she gonna try to get smart, like she didn't text me during bootytextmessage/call hours. I'm gonna have to get drunk one nite and call her in the middle of drunken fuck time and give her bad conversation.

But really though, I thought the Mike Tyson Rule applied to Phone Calls too. (Mike Tyson Rule: Don't invite nam nigga to your room after 2 in the a.m. and not be ready to get broken, and maybe even a thumb in the ass.) Well, anyway, what more should I expect from this chick, I mean really, she is an A.K.A.. I know I shouldn't talk bad about a whole organization like that, but all the A.K.A.'s that I have dealt with personally have been Biotches. And yeah, I got a feeling a few A.K.A.'s that I know from undergrad might read this and want to get mad, well I'm sorry. Most of y'all pretty o.k.. And there were a few that were great, I mean really nice, beautiful people. Well now that I think about it, not all A.K.A.'s are bad, but they do have good percentage of B-I-OTCHES

So Sayeth the BULLY

p.s.: If anyone has a problemwith what I said, please take it up with my secretary. Thats right, if you have a problem just go to Helen Waite and bitch all you want.